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PathwAI Scotland

The ambition of Community Lab is to connect citizens and communities with the information, knowledge, networks and tools that empower them to be the difference. PathwAI Scotland reflects the tools we are building to navigate and harness Scotland's ecosystems. As part of that we look to collectively create context-rich, coherent & deep experiences for those with an idea, challenge, skill or need.

PathwAI's Principles
Coherent, Context Rich Pathways
Creating journeys that bring together all the resources for citizens and communities to fulfil their ambition
Collate High Quality Data & Knowledge
Harnessing the insights, knowledge and lived experiences of our ecosystems
A Collaborative & Inclusive Approach
Growing deeper, wider and stronger through a collective and collaborative process that works for everyone
Angus: Your Guide
Angus is your personal AI guide through your ecosystem. You can find him floating at the bottom of this page. Ask him a question. He is only a learner, but, together, we can develop him to:
create and support coherent and context-rich pathways
synthesise multi-agency experiences
better inform service providers & government of community priorities
give ecosystem orchestrators the knowledge and insights to support their communities
The Road to Change
Ready to start your journey? Clicking the Join PathwAIs button will allow you to set up your Community Lab account and lead you through to the PathwAI Finders Cluster where you can join the AskAngus Engine Room and begin shaping  AskAngus into a tool that works for you.
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