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Building in Winter

Ewa Grabowiecka

The January update of what we have built to empower communities all around the world.

Building in Winter

Photo by Natalie Pedigo on Unsplash

January is far too cold and long, especially after the holiday festivities. But then February seems to fly by, so I think it all balances out in the end. That's what I have been telling my bank account anyway.

This month we have been busy building out the chat functionality, we’ve seen how much people on the platform are using chat, both individual and group! We are seeing that users enjoy the conversational nature of social media versus the curated  and highly commercialised experience you might associate with visual platforms such as Instagram.Chat is now more responsive and sending that first message is now smoother. It should also be easier to find people relevant to you - especially when tagging them in group chats. Selecting and copying has gotten an upgrade, alongside standardising various visual elements.We now also prevent you from accidentally leaving your chat if you have unsent messages - just to make sure you don't type up that great idea and lose it between page refreshes.

Additionally, we’ve been looking how to ensure our communities continue to feel like safe spaces so we’ve pro-actively added Moderator’s ability to delete comments that are deemed inappropriate.

Loads of work done, and now we are prepping for the February features - if there are things you would like to see on the platform, chat to us here: https://app.communitylab.app/groups/help-hub.

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